Hundreds of military checkpoints, and no goods — or people — allowed in or out if you live in the Gaza Ghetto, under brutal siege. Need medical attention and care? Pregnant? Want to visit family? Need to go to work? Get fuel? Too bad. All this operates with Israeli regime impunity, who have been choking Gaza — the world’s largest open-air concentration camp — as well as “exporting” its apartheid model: see, in particular, Naomi Klein.
The graphic above was made by a wise fourteen-year-old (Adam) after hearing stories of the difficulties of life in Abu Dis in Palestine. H/T thanks to DesertPeace, originally sourced from WorldPressNetwork.
And what if the USA were Iraq, or if the invaders and colonisers were themselves balkanised? Have a read of Robert Fisk on sectarian maps and their political role in divide and rule and A Dozen Guernicas: Western War Crimes. Already, secessionist rumblings have been heard throughout the Republic …
Israel has worn out its welcome everywhere.
As an American taxpayer I’m sure I’m not the only one who is sick and tired of footing the bill for this version of Frankenstein’s monster.
Someone please just make it go away.