… and is liable to cause mass food poisoning and diplomatic indigestion. Khalil Bendib masterfully captures the utter fraud about the precondition of freezing illegal Israeli Jew-only outposts, an internationally recognized imperative that is being blatantly ignored by Israel in negotiations. Contra both to international law and the full weight of international community policy that sees them as a critical impediment to a just resolution, the hafrada regime continues to thumb its nose and build illegal housing on Palestinian land.
Here’s an idea for Mr Mitchell: tie the evacuation of existing post 1967 outposts to the threat of withdrawing hefty US annual aid to Israel. The US has leverage with the apartheid state that it could start using were it not for the undue influence of the Lobby.
As educator and filmmaker Landrum Bolling rightly notes (cited by Philip Weiss),
(O)f one thing I am certain: we must try to convince our government and the public that we must stop deluding ourselves about negotiating with the Israelis on a settlement freeze and on the adoption of the Two State Solution. The Israelis would be quite willing, though grudgingly, to enter into negotiations, endless negotiations, over a “settlement freeze”. (It’s not something we should be pushing. That’s a sheer diversion.) The Israelis love “the peace process”. They kept it going for forty years, and they’d gladly keep it going for another forty years. The just don’t want a decent, workable, fair just PEACE. It’s time we stopped playing that game. It’s futile– and basically dishonest.
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