Viva la France … EuroPalestine activists take it to the supermarket aisles. The solidarity whistling of this boycott army will put a smile on your face. Never mind not understanding French. The actions are loud and clear (thanks Dave).
Meanwhile, a new French anti-zionist political party has been formed, Parti Anti Sioniste — English translated link here. (Hat-tip Atheo News)
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Ann, dear, I think you need to get a little more sleep.
This is the translated link….
And I couldn’t figure out what they were doing with the shopping baskets full of Israeli goods, and appropriated from Palestine produce. Surely they didn’t pay for the stuff, or steal it… did they just shove the carts back into the stock room, or whut, I wonder?
Thanks, greatly appreciated dear 99. I’ve changed it to the corrected link. You surmised right, I’m running on not too much sleep these days. Looking forward to a sleeping vacation somewhere remote after my current project is done.
Regarding their action, perhaps it was part of a consciousness-raising campaign, at the very least. It would be great to have a French-speaker let us know. I’ll ask a dear friend tomorrow.