A POETIC JUSTICE is enacting a weekly poetry contest. I like to think of it as a poetry jam, bringing together poetic contributions at his terrific site, with one being selected and featured each week. Have a go! I might even participate myself, if I can extricate myself from a hectic workload at the mo. I’d encourage everyone to consider contributing a poem.
The Poetry man writes:
It’s time for the bards to come out of the woodwork on Saturdays!
The first winning poem(s) will be published here next Saturday and then every Saturday after that the best poem(s) of the previous Saturday entries will be published.
The poems should concern a political or world injustice- Left or Right or Center or any direction! (Anti-War, War, peace, politics, genocide, government, humanity, crime, politicians, activism, etc…)
Send entries in “plain text”
with “Saturday Sonata” in the Subject Line to
A Poetic Justice Saturday Sonata.
Come on, people! Let’s make some noise!
This is an excellent and worthwhile initiative on a number of levels, not least of all that in the dark age we currently seem to be inhabiting, we need to nourish and replenish our imagination and envisioning of possibilities. I’ll let the two quotes I’ve placed in my left sidebar speak for themselves:
“The only war that matters is the war against the imagination. All others are subsumed by it.”
— Diane DiPrima, “Rant”, from Pieces of a Song.“It is difficult
to get the news from poems
yet men die miserably every day
for lack
of what is found there”
— William Carlos Williams, “Asphodel, That Greeny Flower”
poetry is not my thingm i am looking forward to reading the entries though
Wow… Thank you for the plug… I loved your quotes especially the second one from William Carlos.
I hope you do contribute a poem. All the same, it is a great contribution you have offered here.
My pleasure; like Graeme, I’ll also be looking forward to reading the entries. I might have a go one of these days but for now poetry will have to be a spectator sport. ;) Happy to spread the word, terrific initiative.
Does it have to be original work?
I got a few limericks.
Now lemme see now. What rhymes with Nantucket?
Reminds me of one of the top ten reasons to study geography: you know how to pronounce ‘Phuket’.
Limericks are fun.
I’m trying to keep it afloat. This week there are few- okay no entries, but I have great patience- I’ll wait like a cat, frozen in time, until the mice come out to paint… :>)
Poetry man, that’s a pity. Hey, Mercury is in Retrograde and lots of things simply slow down during this astro phase. ;) You had such a good show the first couple of weeks, I think you’re right, its just a matter of some patience. And just a suggestion: might it aggregate entries to a better critical mass if it were a fortnightly comp? I’ll see what I can do in terms of promotion anyway. Thanks for stopping by.