War’s Shopping Cart
An interesting look at the militarisation of the US economy from Nick Turse. While the US has long been a permanent war economy, the consumer dimension of the corporate overlap … Continue reading
Genocidal intent of apartheid regime confirmed: Israeli minister warns Palestinians of holocaust
After murdering 33 over 60 78 112 (as at 3 March) Palestinians since Tuesday (whose names and family status are rarely mentioned like the Israeli “father of four”, and two … Continue reading
Ten Reasons Why “Save Darfur” is a PR Scam to Justify the Next US Oil and Resource Wars in Africa
Bruce Dixon makes the compelling case that the “Save Darfur” campaign is more or less a “humanitarian imperialism” front to be used to justify intended neocon oil and resource wars … Continue reading
The intrepid contagion of truth continues: thank you Archbishop of Canterbury, Helen Thomas, Eric Alterman, Sen. Mike Gravel, Sen. Robert Byrd et. al.
Peacebuilders do have cause for hope. Despite the disastrous, brutal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; the various operations in Africa and elsewhere; despite the warmongers rattling their sabres at Iran … Continue reading
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