As mild as this CNN report is, would it have appeared on CNN in the US rather than its International Edition? CNN’s Paula Newton here in a segment with Israeli scholars Avi Schlaim and Shlomo Sand who rightly characterise Israel as a rogue state. Unfortunately the execrable Mark Regev appears in the second half, presumably for ‘balance’; nevertheless the fact that these two critical scholars appeared on network corporate news is a small signpost.
(Some readers in the US have reported they can not watch the video via CNN’s Daily Motion channel from which the clip below is sourced. If so, you should be able to watch it from CNN’s site here.)
Meanwhile, another israeli of conscience, Shulamit Aloni, has also notably spoken out and called her fellow citizens a “nefarious people … What we are doing in the West Bank is worse than all the pogroms done to the Jews.”
Vodpod videos no longer available.
See also Avi Shlaim and Shlomo Sand in conversation with Jacqueline Rose
I love how the video is blocked from US audiences as well.
Another reader on our Facebook fan page had pointed this out too. He said that he was able to find it on Google Videos, but I just checked and it seems to have been taken off. You might want to try sites like that out anyway.