Massimo Mazzucco’s The New American Century is a timely review of the last decade of corporate and israel-first neocon crimes in the fraudulent calling for and enactment of wars. Lest we forget, these are the same neocons that the Obama administration refuses to prosecute for their war crimes (and genocide) in Iraq and Afghanistan.
There are some chilling and enraging moments (see for example, the 68, 77 and 80 minute marks) which serve as reminders to us about the destruction of Iraqi museums and theft of priceless artefacts, the corporate corruption that endangered US soldiers and Iraqi civilians alike, and the horrifying acts of mercenaries shooting at civilians for fun. There are some omissions — the film doesn’t deal with the Israel Lobby, for example — and it is long, but the archival footage and review of events is important and timely. It can be ordered here.
Ken Loach has described it as a “stunning film. It should be seen as widely as possible, in cinemas, bars, clubs, at meetings and, of course, through the internet. I’m sure the film will continue to be a source of debate and political education for many years. Maybe until the war criminals have been brought to trial.”
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