Prior to his most recently aired segment on US 60 Minutes on CBS, Bob Simon also filed this report on the divisions within Israeli society. This is an interesting glimpse of the civil war between the often fanatical ultra-religious Jews in Israel and their secular zionist compatriots. It is also worth recalling that only last year, Bob Simon filed a report last year on the Israeli Air Force that is properly described as an extension of Israeli regime hasbara on Iran.
Part One (6 m)
Part Two over the break
Part Two (7m)
Isn’t the point precisely that people who were more likely to produce Israeli military propaganda only a short while back are now breaking with the consensus and refusing to sustain Zionist myths? That Simon held an unabashedly sympathetic view of Israel in the past makes this change more rather than less significant.
But which is the real Israel?
Neither. It is Palestine. One of the many problems with the crap being generated by 60 Minutes about the Middle East is that it always only serves to muddy things further, and always in favor of the stuff that keeps the exterminations and wars going. The one thing on which these two factions in Israel seem to agree is that Palestinians need to be driven out or exterminated, when, in fact, if they simply turned the whole shebang back into Palestine, killed this Jewish State bullshit for good, THERE would be the way everyone could go back to living in peace and harmony… Jewish and Muslim.
Perhaps a group of like-minded Arabs/Jews should form their own state, the state of Salam, and live there in defiance of the ultra orthodox on both sides? Resisting any Israeli call to arms, turfing out jihadists, and defending their desire for peace in a secular state where Judaism and Islam co-exist well separated from the government? I would donate to that.